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3 Actions You Should Take If You Notice Premature Balding

Hair loss results from the gradual destruction of hair follicles. These follicles become dormant and cannot produce new hair or lose their ability to grow. The gradual destruction of hair follicles over a long period can result in permanent hair loss. If you exhibit hair loss symptoms such as thinning hair, baldness, and frequent hair loss, you can try these three actions to restore your hair.

Tips to Deal With Dry Skin

Woman Scratching Her Arm — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery PLLC

The skin is the body’s largest organ, and its look and feel are easily affected by a myriad of factors that can cause the skin to dry out, which potentially makes it itchy, flaky, or rough. Dry skin is common among people of varying ages and can exhibit as just a patch on one part of your body or, in extreme cases, your entire body.

Internal problems that cause dry skin include underlying conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

File Board — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery PLLC

Living With Rosacea: What You Should Know

Rosacea is a common dermatological condition that causes red bumps, a burning sensation, sensitivity, and redness. Most patients with rosacea are adults between the ages of 30 and 50, but the condition can impact anyone at any age. Although rosacea doesn’t have a cure, a dermatologist can help you reduce flare-ups and manage symptoms.

5 Skin Cancer Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your skin is the body’s primary defense against all forms of environmental elements and infections. But as it protects the body, it takes on continuous physical battering causing it to wear out. One primary irritant is the sun’s ultraviolet rays, and since it isn’t easy to avoid sunlight throughout your day, you should prioritize skincare. If you fail to take care of the skin, you can be affected by various forms of skin cancer, melanoma being one of them.

7 Possible Reasons for Itchy, Irritated Skin

With skin irritations, an occasional scratch or itch is rarely cause for concern. However, when an itch becomes intense or ongoing, the lasting discomfort and unpleasantness can begin to interrupt your quality of life and even inhibit your ability to function in your day-to-day routine.

4 Skin Conditions Caused by Diabetes

Medical Stethoscope with Syringe — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC

If you have diabetes, there are numerous signs and symptoms your body will exhibit. Some people are very thirsty, feel very tired, or have blurry vision. Very dry skin can also be a sign of diabetes, along with several other skin-related conditions. If you begin seeing these conditions, it may be time to see your doctor. Look out for these.

1. Acanthosis Nigricans (AN)

Hormonal Adult Onset Acne: What You Need to Know

Woman with Skin Problem — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC

What do hormones have to do with your skin? From period-time pimples to perimenopause-related breakouts, hormones are the common culprit behind many cases of female adult acne. If you are ready to stop the breakout cycle, take a look at what you need to know about hormones, acne, and the treatments that work.

What Causes Hormonal Breakouts?

5 Tips to Keep Acne Under Control

Woman With Acne — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC

Whether you are an adult or a teenager, nothing is as frustrating as waking up to blemishes and pimples on the face. Acne may not be a serious health condition, but it can take a toll on you emotionally and socially.

Some things that cause acne to break out are hormonal fluctuations resulting in excess oil secretion, bacterial infection leading to skin inflammation, or clogged hair follicles. Acne can come in the form of cysts, blackheads, or whiteheads.

Here are several tips to help you keep acne under control.

1. Wash Your Face Properly

Sun-Related Skin Damage: Less-Common Signs and Prevention Methods

Sun Rise — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC

Your skin could have sun damage even if you do not have a sunburn. Sun damage can manifest in various ways, and severe sun damage can lead the way to abnormal cells and cancer. All skin types and colors can suffer damage, so no one is immune.

Learn more about how the sun’s ultraviolet light causes sun damage and what you can do to lessen its impact.

Ways the Sun Damages Skin