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Hair Loss and Teenage Girls: What Parents Need to Know

Girl With Beautiful Long Hair

Self-confidence is important in the teenage years when hormone changes lead to sensitive emotions and a rapidly changing body. Adjusting to these changes can be challenging for many teens but even more so for teens who experience unexplained hair loss. Understand and discuss the causes of hair loss with a dermatologist, as this can help keep your teenager’s hair healthy and her self-esteem positive.

Common Myths About Sun Damage You Shouldn’t Buy Into

man itching With the arrival of warmer weather, people start to spend more and more time outdoors enjoying the sun. You might have plenty of family summer activities planned, including trips to the beach, warm-weather vacations, days at the zoo, and time camping and exploring. During these days outdoors, you should do everything you can to protect your skin. Unfortunately, people fail to protect their skin because of misinformation or misunderstandings about the sun and skin damage. Here are some common myths about sun damage that you should not believe. Instead, keep your skin healthy by choosing the right protection on a daily basis.
  1. Base Tans Provide Protection From Sun Damage

Do You Have Dry Skin or Something More Serious?

Dry skin is common – especially in the winter. But that doesn’t mean every scaly, red, or itchy patch is just minor dryness. Without the right diagnosis, you won’t find the relief you need. Take a look at some of the dermatological conditions that mimic dry skin and what you can do about them. Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a general category of dermatological conditions. Patients with atopic dermatitis may have allergies, sensitivities, and other similar issues following exposure to soap, cosmetics, and other potential irritants or allergens.