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Cigarette Addiction and Eczema: How to Control These Co-Occurring Issues

man itchingNicotine addiction affects many people in the world and often triggers a multitude of health issues. One of the least understood of these issues is the connection between smoking cigarettes and the outbreak of eczema. Smokers with eczema need to understand this connection and the control methods available on the market today. Eczema Is a Hard Problem to Predict  People with eczema typically discover that medical science has yet to understand what triggers its outbreak. Individuals may suddenly develop this problem out of nowhere and fight it for the rest of their lives. Experts do believe, however, that genetics, environment, and particular irritants likely trigger the development of eczema. 

Adult Acne? What’s Causing It and How to Treat It

You’re way past your days as a teenager, so why are you getting acne as an adult? You may have asked yourself this question, only to find a new pimple on your face each and every day. If you are an adult suffering from acne, know that this is very common and affects quite a number of adults. Adult acne may make you feel self-conscious about your looks, leaving you to try to cover up these spots; however, this behavior may be making your acne worse. You need to get to the bottom of your acne and have it treated properly. Read on for some common causes of adult acne and what can be done to treat it.

Why Is Your Face Red?

Red-colored facial skin has many causes, ranging from chronic conditions to minor temporary issues. Whether you have red patches, spots, blotches, or an all-over color, take a look at the possible causes behind the color. Sunburn If your skin suddenly seems to glow with a deep shade of pink or red following a long day outside, you have a sunburn. Sunburn causes redness, tenderness, and peeling that typically resolves on its own.