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Skin & Nail Issues Associated With Children’s Sports

Kid Sitting — New Bern, NC — East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC

Children’s sports come with a host of benefits, both physically and socially. If your child plays sports, you want to remain aware of how the sport can impact their body. Along with muscle issues and general body aches, a child may deal with problems associated with their skin and nails.

As a child spends extended time in sports, you may notice a wide variety of issues that you may seek the services of a dermatologist for. Below are some of the more common issues to look for and the many reasons why a routine check-up could benefit children who play sports.

1. Cleats & Toenail Issues

Special footwear is often required in children’s sports and the footwear can have a direct impact on the way your child’s feet grow. Sport-based shoes like cleats may have a narrower tip to accurately kick a soccer ball. If this is the case, then the nails on your child’s foot could become pressed inward and result in an ingrown toenail.

The pressure from an ingrown toenail can cause pain in a child, especially when they wear cleats that put extra pressure on the foot. A dermatologist can trim the toenail so it regrows straight. From there, you can try wider cleats and other footwear to prevent any toenail issues.

2. Skin Lesions & Sun Exposure

A lot of children will play outdoor sports like baseball, football, and soccer. While on an open field, a child can easily become exposed to constant direct sunlight. Along with proper sunscreen usage, you will want to check your child for any skin issues or conditions. For example, you will want to check for any new marks or skin lesions that have formed on your child.

A dermatologist can remove any skin lesions and help rule out any form of skin cancer. During an exam, a dermatologist can check out some of the most exposed areas of the child’s body and help explain what to look for after a child spends extended time in the sun.

Sun protection is an important element and if problems persist, then you may need to consider more protection like long-sleeve sun shirts that a child can wear under their standard sports uniform.

3. Headgear & Dandruff Issues

When a child plays a sport, they may wear special headgear for games and practices. For example, a child may wear a baseball hat or helmet for the majority of a baseball game, or they may wear a football helmet during a football game. The heat and humidity that build up during those games can create dandruff issues on a child’s head.

You may notice excessive flaking or build-up of oily skin on the scalp. When regular shampoos will not help, you have the option of professional treatment from a dermatologist. A dermatologist can determine what type of dandruff your child has and offer the best treatment options, including medicated shampoo.

A dermatologist may also offer tips on what to do before and after games to help prevent the presence of dandruff in the long run.

4. Gymnastics & Warts

The world of gymnastics is filled with a lot of tumbles, flips, and bare feet. When children share mats with other children, their bare feet may be exposed to a lot of bacteria and germs. Over time, you may notice that warts have started to form on the bottom of their feet. The presence of warts can create pain in a child’s foot, especially when they step directly on the wart.

In some cases, the foot warts may spread and grow. A dermatologist can help with professional wart removal and treatment options. A dermatologist may freeze the wart off or surgically remove the wart depending on the size and depth.

If your child is experiencing any of the above issues, reach out to our office at East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC. Our professional team can answer any questions you have and provide a wide range of treatment options for your child’s skin and nail problems.

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